sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2008

Noticias da Jungle Marathon (Jungle Marathon News)

Acabo de receber o email do Marcio Villar, grande amigo, que estava participando da Jungle Marathon. Resolvi publicar o email do Marcio na integra, pois eh um exemplo de determinacao e disciplina (e um pouco de loucura tambem). O email segue abaixo:

(I just got the email from Marcio Villar, big fella, which was running at Jungle Marathon. I decided to publish the email word by word, because its an example of discipline and determination - and a little bit of crazyness too).

" Rodrigo acabei de chegar da jungle, onde ter minei em 5º lugar e a Jacqueline ganhou no feminino, no 6º dia de corrida a sola doa meus pés descolaram e os últimos 30 KM fiz chorando de dor, para largar na ultima etapa que eram 32 Km na areia de praia a enfermeira costurou a sola do meu pé e o Luiz me deu uma injeção na sola dos 2 pés para ajudar a secar, larguei gritando de dor, corri gemendo o tempo todo, mas queria muito buscar o 3º lugar e fui conseguindo baixar o tempo, porem no Km 15, comecei a urinar sangue e preferi garantir o 5º lugar diminuindo o ritmo."

"Rodrigo, i just finish Jungle Marathon, which i place 5th and Jaqueline Terto WON the female category. At the 6th day of the race my entire feet sole unglued and the last 30km I was crying loud because of the pain. In order to start the last stage, which was 32km at the beach, the nurse sew the sole of my feet and Luiz gave me a shot in the feet to help to dry it out. I started out screaming in pain and ran all the time moaning. But I want so hard to get in the 3rd place that, slowly, I was increasing the speed, but at 15th km i start to pee pure blood and just decided to focus in the 5th place and started to slow down the rithym."

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